Friday, April 27, 2012

Improving Your Self-Esteem

By Angela Lacalamita, MA, LCPC

Our view of ourselves is an inherent factor in our psychological wellness. If our self-esteem is compromised many areas in our lives are impacted. Maintaining a healthy self-esteem also protects us from life's unexpected challenges or obstacles. Developing a positive self esteem is one of many things we can do to work toward leading a fulfilling way of life. Some tips for developing a positive self-esteem are:

1) Challenging our inner critic. We all will experience positive and negative self talk. Becoming aware of when you are beginning to use negative self talk and challenging yourself when it occurs can be helpful. When you begin to say to yourself, "I can't", stop and ask yourself the following: How can I handle this?” or “How is this possible?”

2) Use positive statements or affirmations of your desired outcome or goal. They should be short, believable and focused on what you want to accomplish. By repeating them over and over again, you will begin to open up the possibility of using more positive self talk.
3) Surround yourself around with positive people who supports your dreams and goals. If you are surrounded by people who are increasingly negative, you gradually begin to follow suit.

At first, these skills may seem uncomfortable. However, as you practice them, they will become easier over time. Challenge those thoughts and beliefs that are contributing to your low self-esteem. You will build confidence and learn to value yourself.