It happens every new year. We feel the need to make those
resolutions for ourselves because it’s a new year. What better time to make
those changes that we did not accomplish last year. We resolve to lose those 20 pounds; we will
exercise 5 times a week; we will finally organize that out of control closet.
There seems to be messages everywhere to push us in that direction. Tips and
guidelines in magazines and news programs. Not to mention all the sales and
deals on exercise equipment, gym memberships and storage containers you see
every January. What could go wrong?
The reality is that for many of us we start our resolutions with the best intentions but our efforts tend to fizzle out by February. There are different reasons why we struggle to establish these new habits.
- We make too many resolutions at one time. Trying to make too many changes at once will become too difficult and overwhelming.
- We set goals that are not realistic. Are you really going to be able to go to the gym 6 days a week when you work full time and have a family?
- We adopt someone else’s resolution instead of our own. Are you resolving to lose weight because your spouse is pressuring you? Are you using ultra- thin models as your standard?
- We depend on outside solutions like a gym membership without doing anything to prepare our inside- our brain.
- We don’t consider how we will psychologically handle the stress and discomfort that comes with change.
- Focus on small changes. Tasks are always easier when you break them down. Replacing a daily snack with something healthy is not as hard as revamping your entire diet. You can then move on to other small changes.
- Consider your timing. Do not try to make changes during times of stress and disorder in your life. The day you get fired is not a good time to quit smoking.
- Focus on the behavior not the result. Often we give up when we haven’t lost the pounds we expected to but if we continue with these healthier behaviors we will see results in time. It’s a matter of making lifestyle changes not looking for a quick fix.
- Find a partner. It can help to work with someone who can be your cheerleader and help keep you accountable.
- Change your environment. It will be harder to eat well with a pantry full of junk food. Turn off your devices or put them away if they are interfering with your efforts. Surround yourself with positive people.
- Set realistic goals. You may never be able to wear a size 4 or run a marathon but that doesn’t mean you can’t improve your health or lifestyle in significant ways.
- Give yourself time. We hear that it takes 21 days for a habit to form but that might not be true for everyone. Accept that things will get easier but we have to be willing to give it time.
Here are some steps that may make your journey to healthier
habits a little easier.